About Us


The Real Luxury is the Seamless Journey.

The journey is a prominent motif in epic tales. The traveller is seeking a talisman, a meaning, a purpose. Despite the challenges, the traveller almost always completes the journey. But the completion of the journey was never the entire point: the real mission was the journey itself and the learnings along the way.

Our mission to make your journey safer, easier, and more enjoyable. 

That’s why we work so hard to provide what you may not even realize you need. We understand every component of high-end travel and provide innovative and productive solutions that satisfy luxury needs.

With more than 15 years of industry experience, we carry out world-class travel operations that consistently exceed our clients’ expectations. 

We are that good companion who listens on every journey. Your expectations give us the spark to overcome all challenges we face on our journey forward and to progress. By introducing brands such as goprogulka and turagentam, we have become an online service institution in many countries.

But for us, your trust is always the true criterion.

We have earned this trust with our numerous alliances and our memberships in IATA, TURSAB and SAFE Tourism. While we are proud of these accomplishments, they also drive us towards future progress and the development of new solutions and services. 

We are on three continents at this time. And, every day, we establish strong, lasting collaborations for all our stakeholders and guests by delivering tailor-made solutions for the travel needs of emerging markets and geographies.

Our limit is only ourselves. Therefore the journey is not our goal, but our way of life!

Feel the Difference

All your business travel needs are handled with the differences of NRJ DMC. We consider every aspect of your journey, reinforced by our stringent working principles, our dynamic team and our comprehensive service offerings. Whether you’re a small, family-based business or a multinational corporation, we offer travel solutions for a range of budgets and needs!  

Your travel costs are kept to a minimum
We present more affordable solutions with a manageable and transparent service approach and infrastructure.

Acknowledged Team
We are at your disposal at any time with our accredited and experienced team.

Authorization and Scaling
You can create and authorize individual current accounts for various corporate divisions as needed.

Fast and Result-Oriented Solutions
With alternate flight deadlines, we can perform rapid booking and ticketing based on your requests.